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Welcome to the blog of Laura Boyle. Love life and live large.

Monday, 27 September 2010

Research and Planning: Certificates

For my teaser trailer, I would preferably want either an 15 or 18 certificate.

There are some subtle and some very obvious differences between the two certificates. I am undecided about the certificate as films given an 18 certificate generally make trailers that are 15, so they can be shown more widely in terms of on and off peak times, cinema advertisements etc. I also want it to be either a 15 or 18 certificate as it is a good marketing technique, as people tend to want to see higher rated horror films.

18 Certificates generally include:-
- material in breech of the criminal law
- any detail of violence, illegal drug use.
- explicit images, scenes of sexual activity.

15 certificates generally include:-
- must not include discriminative behaviour or language
- drug taking may be shown, but not promoted.
- weapons and dangerous behaviour, such as self harm, should not be detailed or glamorized.
- frequent use of bad language
- nudity is acceptable in a sexual context but without detail, nudity is acceptable for educational purposes.
- violence may be strong but must not concentrate on the actual pain or infliction. Strong sadistic or sexual acts are prohibited.

Research and Planning: Photoshop Tutorial

This is an initial movie trailer poster I made using Adobe Photoshop. I first captured the zombie background from google images, and also the certificate and company logos (bottom left and right corners.) I used the text tool for the text, and used the paint tool for the red spray on the 'E' of 'Extinction.' I used typical conventions of a trailer poster such as the creators of the film listed at the bottom, and a masthead with a subtitle. I feel to improve the poster I could possibly remove the certificate, as a majority of the movie posters I researched didn't reveal the certificate, eg:

Research and Planning: Pitch

This is the pitch for my project, outlining ideas.

Friday, 17 September 2010

Research and Planning: The Test


'Chase' is a practice movie I created using iMovie HD with my group in order to explore ideas and to learn a basic understanding of the program. Whilst creating 'Chase,' I learned how to change the effects of a specific clip, i.e: making a clip inverted, or adding a 'sci-fi' wash over the clip, which we did for the majority of the clips in order for it to appear more sinister. I also learned how to add sound to the clips and adjust it in order for it to fit in with what was happening in the movie at the time and I also learned how to add slide transitions such as 'fade to black.'

There are specific parts of the movie that I enjoyed more than others, and enjoyed making more than other parts. An example of something that I enjoy is the repetition at the very start of the protagonist running up the stairs because it emphasizes the fact that she is being chased, and creates tension - a convention of a horror film. I also enjoy the reverse effect (0.23) I think this gives a creepy atmosphere and fits in well with the rest of the film, it also shows location. Another part I think works well is the creaking door (0.12) because it creates fright and suspense amongst the audience.

There are, however, parts of the film which I don't particularly rate very highly. An example of this would be the running sequence (0.25 - 0.48). I think that this scene lasts too long, and drags out a little too much. I think it would be much more effective without the sound in the background, and I think the music is maybe a little bit too dramatic for this particular scene. I like the fact that it is in slow motion, but perhaps I should have shortened the clip. Another thing that I think looks bad is the fact that the actress is  obviously smiling in parts when she is meant to be running for her life. (0.42) and (1.41) When it comes to making my trailer I will of course make sure the actor reflects the character.

Friday, 10 September 2010

Research and Planning: Genre

In order to prepare myself for my pitch I have researched specific genres to help me to decide which genre I want to focus my project on, and to show to and discuss with with my chosen group.

Horror films are generally created in order to create fear and disgust within an audience. They usually focus on the darker side of life, and can contain peoples worst nightmares. They provide an outlet for fear, without actually being in danger.
Examples of Horrors are:
- The Saw Collection
- Alien
- Child's Play
- The Hills Have Eyes
- 28 Days Later

28 Days Later Trailer:

Fantasy films generally focus on supernatural themes, exotic creatures and tend to involve the use of magic. There can be some involvement of creatures such as fairies, dragons, superheroes, goblins, wizards and many more non-naturalistic creatures.
Example of Fantasies are:
- Pans Labyrinth 
- Harry Potter
- Alice in Wonderland
- Twilight
- The Matrix

Alice in Wonderland Trailer:

Romance films can be any film in which the story focuses on the romantic relationship between the main characters. Such films can involve issues such as the emotional reality of the characters and they usually have a 'happy ending,' although sometimes it can be unconventionally the opposite.
Examples of Romance films:
- Notting Hill
- Love Actually
- Romeo and Juliet
- Pride and Prejudice
- The Notebook

A comedy is a film designed to humor an audience. It is probably the oldest and most widely known genre of film. Unlike most other genres, comedies focus on the skills of the actor in order to make the audience laugh. There are several different types of comedies such as romantic comedies, spoofs and black comedies to name but a few.
Examples of comedies are:
- Pineapple Express
- Toy Story
- Life of Brian
- Kick Ass
- Scott Pilgrim vs The World.