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Welcome to the blog of Laura Boyle. Love life and live large.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Research and Planning: Font Choices

Here are some examples of fonts I would consider using for my poster cover. At the moment I seem to be favouring the first and fourth ones in the list. I think the least likely option would be the last in the list.

Reesearch and Planning: Call Sheets

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Research and Planning: Planning Poster

Today I have been playing around with Photoshop with, in my opinion, the best photograph of Brendons' eye for my poster.

I have played around with the colour variations, adding more blues and greens to tone down the overall appearance, as if the eye is too colourful, it will drown out the photographs of me, Anika and Becky in the middle.
I have also messed with the 'skew,' 'perspective' and 'scale' tools to try and make the eye more bulbous. This worked slightly, but there is no major noticeable changes in the appearance of the eye. I researched into making 2D objects more 3D online, but unfortunately the majority of descriptions are for the extended version of Photoshop, which is unavailable to me.
As you can see towards the bottom of the eye, I tried different tools such as the 'eraser' tool and 'paint' tool, varying the opacity with both, but it wasn't completely successful.
I also tried the gradient line tool to try and fade the eye into the background, but it just made the entire image black.
I will have to keep playing around with edit tools and filters in order to achieve the effects that I'm aiming for.
Also, I can't add the photographs of the characters to import into the eye as they have not been taken yet, unfortunately, as Becky is in and out of hospital and I need a photograph of all of us togther, it is proving difficult to arrange a time to take these photographs.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Group Meeting

The group and I have decided once again to change the name of the movie from Avenge to Vengeance, as the definition of vengeance coincides more with the narrative.

ven·geance (vnjns)
Infliction of punishment in return for a wrong committed; retribution.
with a vengeance
1. With great violence or force.
2. To an extreme degree: December has turned cold with a vengeance.

We need to take new photographs for the new poster and magazine ideas, which we have planned for 3rd Feb, and film some more shots of conventional horror scenes such as characters screaming, and shadows etc, so I can them edit them into a flash of images so that it looks more like a horror trailer. We should be filming on the 3rd and the 9th Feb.

Research and Planning: Poster Ideas

For my poster, I have decided to have a photograph of Brendons' (the murderers) eye, with the myself, Becky and Anika reflected in it. I chose this idea as the composition of the design would interest the reader more than say just a photograph of one of the characters. The eye design also tells more of the narrative, as the murderer watches the girls before killing them one by one.

Draft of Idea:

I'm unsure as to what shot types to have of the three girl characters, whether to have medium close ups, or medium long shots. I think the issue with the medium long shots would be the difficulty in the distinction of the characters, as there may be too many different colours and textures that would make it hard to concentrate. The issue with the medium close up would be that, in oppose to too many variations of colour, there would be a very small range of colours and therefore the photographs of the girls could merge together and be had to distinguish.

I have taken some photographs today of Brendon and his eye. The following three photographs are examples of good shots, and the three after are examples of bad shots: