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Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Research and Planning: Group Meeting

Members Present: 3

Today Anika, Becky and myself decided to change the name of the film to 'Avenge' rather than 'The Silhouette' as further research into the correct definition of each word shows that Avenge fits the storyline of the film more.

a·venge (-vnj)
tr.v. a·venged, a·veng·ing, a·veng·es
1. To inflict a punishment or penalty in return for; revenge: avenge a murder.
2. To take vengeance on behalf of: avenged their wronged parents.

[Middle English avengen, from Old French avengier : a-, to (from Latin ad-; see ad-) + vengier, to vindicate (from Latin vindicre, to claim; see vindicate).]

a·venger n.
a·venging·ly adv.

sil·hou·ette (sl-t)
1. A drawing consisting of the outline of something, especially a human profile, filled in with a solid color.
2. An outline that appears dark against a light background. See Synonyms at outline.
tr.v. sil·hou·et·ted, sil·hou·et·ting, sil·hou·ettes To cause to be seen as a silhouette; outline:

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