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Welcome to the blog of Laura Boyle. Love life and live large.

Friday, 4 March 2011

Research and Planning: Poster

Today I could begin working properly on my poster, as the group managed to get together to take the photographs I need for my poster and magazine ideas.
In order to achieve what I have created here, I imported the photograph of me, Becky and Anika onto the photograph of the eye, and changed the opacity so that you can see the eye through us. I then used the warp tool to fit the photograph of us into the shape of the eye, and used the eraser tool to neaten up the edges. I quite like the way it looks now, but I don't think it looks professional enough, I obviously need to add the title and release date, but I think I'm going to use the gradient tool to fade out the edges of the eye. I will need feedback on what I have created so far, so perhaps I will upload what I have onto Facebook to allow for many people to give constructive criticism...hopefully.

1 comment:

  1. This is really good Laura! Only thing I can suggest to do is where the iris (black) of the eye is, darken it but not so you can't see the faces, mainly around the faces. Otherwise this is really well editted!
