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Friday, 15 October 2010

Research And Planning: Questionnaire Results

Above is the questionnaire I created and issued out to 10 people of different ages, the following are the results.

1) 5 were male, 5 were female (this was controlled in order to achieve fair results)

3) The average time for a teaser trailer was approximately 1.15 minutes.
4) The main points put across for this question were the age certificate, some of the story (but not revealing everything) and a conclusion at the end with the film title.
5) 1 voted rom-com, 3 voted horror, 5 voted comedy and 1 voted sci-fi
6) The majority of the participants said no.
7) The general ideas were 'gore' 'suspense' 'flashing images' 'damsel in distress' 'blood' 'victims' and 'villains'
8) Most participants said that horror music should be dramatic, and eerie and spooky.

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