tran·si·tion (tr
1. Passage from one form, state, style, or place to another.
a. Passage from one subject to another in discourse.
b. A word, phrase, sentence, or series of sentences connecting one part of a discourse to another.
3. Music
a. A modulation, especially a brief one.
b. A passage connecting two themes or sections.
4. Genetics A point mutation in which a pyrimidine is replaced by another pyrimidine, or a purine is replaced by another purine.
5. Sports The process of changing from defense to offense or offense to defense, as in basketball or hockey.
6. A period during childbirth that precedes the expulsive phase of labor, characterized by strong uterine contractions and nearly complete cervical dilation.
intr.v. tran·si·tioned, tran·si·tion·ing, tran·si·tions
1. To make a transition.
2. Sports To change from defense to offense or offense to defense.
The definition which applies to the transitions I will be using is number 1.
What I will be doing during my editing process is linking clips of video recording into a logical order, or an order which would reflect my chosen genre, which is horror, for example, a random view of disturbing images to invoke a fear response amongst the audience.
Some examples of transitions would be:
-Blinds horizontal/vertical
-Fade to black
-Box in/out
-Checkers horizontal/vertical
-Split (from bottom, up etc)
Examples of slide transitions, using microsoft powerpoint.
Also in iMovie, you an put a 'wash' over certain clips in order to create certain effects such as 'antique' or 'black and white' are some examples of how a photograph can be manipulated in order to create different effects. The first far left picture is the original photograph.